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Agriculture is the key area for food security as well doubling the farmer’s income. Different countries can achieve agricultural productivity based on the best practices. Every country has their own way of cropping patterns and water usage.


Agriculture is a science and most of our studies shows that farmers need the support system on the following areas:


Due to monsoon patterns and unpredicted rains at non cultivation time is making the farmers too confused to grow the crops or keep the land as barren land.


Many of the countries offer incentives and support systems to increase the crop yield.


As the farmers keep repeating the same crop, soil is losing the key nutrients and reducing the yield. If we leave them the same way, Soil becomes unproductive as time passes and becomes Salination.


Excess usage of water downgrades the expected yield. Farmers prefer to hold the water to avoid the weeds to reduce the manpower to remove them. This has a long-term issue and productivity is getting lost.


All these issues make the farmers choose to work on alternative skills and leave agriculture. It is our responsibility to make the farmers keep farming as well as attracting the new generation to start cultivating the fields.


There is a huge demand and supply gap in every country. We need to keep analyzing the seasonal trends and demand areas and updating the farmers, they will benefit from higher prices for their crops.


Following are the key areas:


Current cultivation and the yields


Each Crop Yield and highest yield achieved with best practices


Soil Health reports


Farmer Support System to understand and share the data for the people to make the decisions.


Market Data and Crop Demand


Satellite Image Technologies usage for better decision system and weather forecast


Crop Yield Support System


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Digital Dash Boards on various stages of Crops  for the decision support teams